Some children feel they have to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. I see many times when children are jealous of each other, for one getting a prize and not the other, the child will say "well I don't care, I don't like it anyways". Trying to make themselves feel good about not getting the prize, as if the prize is nothing to them. Thereby, lessoning the enjoyment of the child who actually did get the prize. Then there are those children that will actually feel happy for the other child. These types are adorable, they act like little adults cheering the other on.
When there is a contest going on, the "Pushers"- the ones who push other kids down to make themselves higher- will report those children that were cheating, thereby showing their innocence and making themselves look good. However, the "climbers"- the ones who will climb up to the next step to come out on top- will put in the most effort they can to win the contest.
The way a person is in childhood, whether they are a "pusher" or "climber" stays with them into adulthood. There are those that always feel they have to correct others to show their smarter than them, or put down and criticize others to feel good about themselves. Then there are those that accomplish good things on their own.