Yesterday I got my wisdom tooth pulled out for REAL. Although I lost some “wisdom” I gained a greater wisdom of clarity. First of all, the whole thing wasn’t planned. I didn’t have an appointment by the dentist, just my father was going. So I went too, so that my dentist can look at my mouth and figure out why it was hurting me. Then he asks me if I was able to sleep, I told him “Yea, I was able to sleep, but I couldn’t eat or Talk”. So he decided I should get another wisdom tooth out.
When he took out the tooth he wasn’t even sitting on a chair, he stood, and it went really fast, before I knew it, he had the tooth out. He asked me if I wanted it, I said no, since I already had my first one, I didn’t need another. Everything went by so fast, that I didn’t even have time to think about it. I did notice he used the annoying technique of saying what he was going to do every step of the way.
Now for the gained WISDOM, I realized that sometimes you have to go through a bit more pain so that you won’t have any more pain. Although it seems not to make any sense, because why would you want to increase something that you want to decrease, but it works.
For the past few days, my mouth was hurting me, because my tooth was biting into my check. Since I decided to take care of it, I did get a bit more pain, from the shots. However, in the long run it is less pain, because I won’t have to deal with my mouth hurting me anymore, and I will get to enjoy eating food again. Although it is annoying in the short run, not being able to eat foods I want (at least its not Purim time), it pays off at the end.
Now this applies with everything in life, there is always going to be some pain in having things good. You just have to keep in mind that the pain is helping you heal in the long term. Sometimes, while the pain is lasting we can’t tell if its worth it, if at the end everything will be good, we just see the pain at the moment. But it will all clear and we will be healed. Then the pain will be in the past and we won’t even remember it because of the vast amount of good we have. The pain will be a tiny drop compared to all the good.